(+237) 679.884.778  

P.O Box 115 - Kumbo


This project was aim at training rural population on improved fire places for cooking and the use of human urine as fertilizer for crop cultivation. This activity set out to sensitize and train rural populations on the need to reduce the consumption of wood for fuel by using charcoal and stone fireplaces for cooking to fight against deforestation. They were also educated on the importance of preserving and using human urine for fertilization of long term crops like maize. It is not just educating them theoretically but also practically. Targeted communities were Meluf, Nkar, Ndzevru, Mbveh, Ntaba, Nwa, Sabongari, Tabenken, Ngarum , Ndu, Diyri,Sop.

Activities carried under SUN 24 PROJECT:

The following sensitization messages accompany the sun 24 project:

  • Recent trends in climate change in terms of global warming and decrease in productivity of water resources.
  • Importance of trees to the environment and the need to plant trees (operation “plant five trees” for all).
  • Limit the planting of eucalyptus especially around river sources and around human settlements but concentrate mostly on environmental and water friendly trees.
  • Deforestation as one of the leading causes of environmental degradation and climate.
  • Reduction in the rate of deforestation as a means of  climate mitigation.
  • Using improved fireplaces with charcoal and stones to produce the same amount of energy to be used for cooking. because Women and children spent half of their time in collecting firewood, exposing themselves to sexual assault.
  • Limit the emission of smoke through the use of stones and charcoal and hence reduction in the health hazard caused by smoke.